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Name is Michelle
18 on '08
Studying in S'pore Polytechnic
Wishing my life would be like an interesting movie
Comedies always make me happy
Love my friends who stood by me
Family that always got my back
Music makes my world colourful
Dating with MND, We the kings
Sunday, April 26, 2009!
HandWritten on; 8:26 AM

I've lost something very important.. what to do?

Panic mode..

No one can help me...

:( :(

Tuesday, April 14, 2009!
HandWritten on; 8:23 AM

Just finished reading almost half of The diary of Anne Frank book. Out of curiosity, just after finishing the first few pages, I flipped to the back of the book to take a peep and was shocked to see pictures, sad ones. Made me cry uncontrollably. While I was tearing, in my mind I asked God why are there good people treated this way. Is it meant to be? Although, I am not a faithful bible reader, neither did I go to church, I just felt really sad and was wondering if God really existed in this world.

Reading the book made me felt close to her as if she was my friend. Probably cause our age was about the same when she wrote the diary. If she were to survive, she would be around 80 now. I am very curious about the holocaust and started when I was chatting with Junhao who knew a lot on history. Instead of listening in class, I would listen to his stories. Then, just at that time was a movie launched, The boy in stripped pajamas.

Excited, I went to watch the movie and got to know more about the holocaust. How the Jews was treated. Into the gas chambers and worked as slaves in so called concentration camps. Few times, I put myself in their shoes, thinking how would it be like and it was horrible. I would never choose to die that way, and I believe that's how the victims felt.

Wikipedia helped in giving me a lot information more on the Franks family and while reading, tears keep rolling down my cheeks unknowingly. I felt the pain they were going through, the separation they have to face. After much surfing around the net, Anne Frank: The whole story movie was found. Am so gonna watch it. Was planning to watch it just now but now I have simply no mood to do so.

Couldn't understand the people around me nowadays. Unlike the people I used to know. Perhaps it's due to the different surroundings that sculpture us into different individuals. I hope when school reopens, the people there are going to be fine.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009!
HandWritten on; 1:36 PM


Simply original and nice :D

Nice to hear something I'm familiar with! Dia's voice~

They looked so pretttyyy also!! :)

HandWritten on; 7:34 AM

Yes, slacking and haven't been blogging.

Anyway, had an outing with my polymates,








I put the picture smaller, in case she kills me.


So pictures to be up :)

Food that we brought there. I brought just hotdogs and rice krispies with mashmellows. Jean brought a lot! Zhi Kai also bought a lot! Jean brought those bread, bacon strips, tuna, chicken salad which was damn nice to eat :D She said its her own recipe. Cool! Vegetables and drinks. Zhi Kai bought macdonalds =.= Hahaha. 4 LARGE FRIES. That's really a lot. Nuggets too. Junhao, brought himself. Lol! He was in school camping thats why.

They seemed not to like taking pictures but I've taken a lot of them. LOL.


Junhao holding jean's hand????

This 2 is looking at each other with displeasure..

Suddenly, Junhao kick the water towards jean!!

A war began! Jean splashed water on junhao!!

TA-DAH!! HE BECAME LIKE THAT. Aiyo junhao ar.. who ask you to kick water at people!

Wa-seh.. Look like some band..

Jean made this while I was trying to get some sleep in the train. Kinda cool! She even said...

" You have to put all your hair on your left and right and leave this plait in the middle, back of your head! Then look cool!!! "
Oh really...??

Sunday, March 29, 2009!
HandWritten on; 8:17 AM


All the best for you okay! In whatever you do, no matter what you want to go for. Be it studies, love, or anything. May everything goes smoothly for you. And you're always my goooooddd buddy! I'm glad I can attend your birthday chalet. Although there are people who didn't attend and might bring disappointment to you as they have stupid excuses, use this time to see their true colours maybe? Distant people who pull you down, get closer to people who give you encouragement and support in life. Michelle support you okay!! So must jiayou jiayou jiayou! :D

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Must always smile like this!~

Play mahjong~

HandWritten on; 7:44 AM

These days was fun for me!

Most enjoyable day award should be given to the day we went to sentosa together!

We all decided to make some food and bring it to sentosa for a small picnic by the beach.

We are all broke so our picnic was very budget but very enjoyable ^^


Funny seh, kena nad's face

Hey bestiessss!! I missed you all sooo much! And finally we had one whole day all for ourselves!

It was so fun! Being with you all makes my day great :D Hope we have another budget picnic

again soon! Hahahaha

We didn't bring cups and we got cups from coffee bean. Ice also dont have, then get from coffee bean also.

Nadiah brought spongebob version monopoly and we was playing by the beach. What an experience!

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Some china tourists also came by trying to take our photos. Stopped by nadiah and Jielun.

Kinda rude, cause they didn't ask permission and just started squatting down taking our photos.

And we are not some aliens right..

Okay, then after playing and eating, we went by the sea to play water and waited for sunset.


If we can all stay together

The 3 childish girls have grown up.
To be more childish. HAHAHAHAHA
JLNMN is loved now, and forever

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funny seh nad. Candid shot.

WE who loved eating cheese fries and snatch the fries with more cheese on it.

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We lie down on the mat as the cooling wind blew us. We hear music together as time just pass before we knew it, it was late.

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Day ended.. and we have to head home.

Goodbye to the beautiful scenery that we can't bring back with us but only pictures and memories that will stay with us a lifetime.