Name is Michelle
18 on '08
Studying in S'pore Polytechnic
Wishing my life would be like an interesting movie
Comedies always make me happy
Love my friends who stood by me
Family that always got my back
Music makes my world colourful
Dating with MND, We the kings
Sunday, March 29, 2009!
HandWritten on; 8:17 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AH XIAO ZHU LYNN YEO!!!!!!All the best for you okay! In whatever you do, no matter what you want to go for. Be it studies, love, or anything. May everything goes smoothly for you. And you're always my goooooddd buddy! I'm glad I can attend your birthday chalet. Although there are people who didn't attend and might bring disappointment to you as they have stupid excuses, use this time to see their true colours maybe? Distant people who pull you down, get closer to people who give you encouragement and support in life. Michelle support you okay!! So must jiayou jiayou jiayou! :D

Must always smile like this!~

Play mahjong~
HandWritten on; 7:44 AM
These days was fun for me!
Most enjoyable day award should be given to the day we went to sentosa together!
We all decided to make some food and bring it to sentosa for a small picnic by the beach.
We are all broke so our picnic was very budget but very enjoyable ^^

Funny seh, kena nad's face
Hey bestiessss!! I missed you all sooo much! And finally we had one whole day all for ourselves!
It was so fun! Being with you all makes my day great :D Hope we have another budget picnic
again soon! Hahahaha
We didn't bring cups and we got cups from coffee bean. Ice also dont have, then get from coffee bean also.
Nadiah brought spongebob version monopoly and we was playing by the beach. What an experience!

Some china tourists also came by trying to take our photos. Stopped by nadiah and Jielun.
Kinda rude, cause they didn't ask permission and just started squatting down taking our photos.
And we are not some aliens right..
Okay, then after playing and eating, we went by the sea to play water and waited for sunset.

If we can all stay together

The 3 childish girls have grown up.

To be more childish. HAHAHAHAHA

JLNMN is loved now, and forever

funny seh nad. Candid shot.

WE who loved eating cheese fries and snatch the fries with more cheese on it.

We lie down on the mat as the cooling wind blew us. We hear music together as time just pass before we knew it, it was late.

Day ended.. and we have to head home.

Goodbye to the beautiful scenery that we can't bring back with us but only pictures and memories that will stay with us a lifetime.
Saturday, March 07, 2009!
HandWritten on; 8:10 AM
I admit that I'm lazy to blog but I've tried people!!!
Was blogging for the past two attempts and both failed.
The laptop just hanged and stuff like this so hopefully!!!! it won't happen this time round.
A short update on everything that's happening around me for the past few weeks....
Preparation on naddie's bday! Happy 19th birthday!

Y'all know the story to this. No more blabbering.
STUPID STORYNext is a stupid story told by me. For some of my friends, even my best friends they don't know this. But I fell down recently...(long time ago). It's been 3 weeks I think? I was riding a bicycle. For fun, I hop on to the bigger one and fell together with it. (How sweet) And it left me a big patch of black and blue bruise in my inner thigh of my right leg. Teared skin on my left knee. A little black and blue on the left leg too. The unlucky thing was I had test on that day. I was limping looking very ugly and I felt terrible.
The bruise in my inner thigh was very pain that I couldn't even touch it. To the extent, if you touch it, I will definitely slap your face. Thou it was very pain, no sign of injury is seen.
The hurt continues...........................until I reached home and it turned out like this.

Disgusting? Yes.
But after 3 WEEKS! I'm okay now. The colour is fading off but still there is this swollen lump there. So that's my stupid story, thanks for listening. :P