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Name is Michelle
18 on '08
Studying in S'pore Polytechnic
Wishing my life would be like an interesting movie
Comedies always make me happy
Love my friends who stood by me
Family that always got my back
Music makes my world colourful
Dating with MND, We the kings
Friday, August 24, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:35 AM

I am very tired especially today.
I'm not yet sleeping late in the night.
Probably the audition game that kept me awake.
A lot of things were going through my mind.
Many aspects like friends,classmates and more.
I had piano lesson today. I totally hate going there.
I didn't want to go at the beginning but was forced to go.
Dragged my feet to the doorstep and I saw that face again.
Once in a week still too much for me. Don't torture me like that!
Luckily sister came bringing me joy.
She treat me to KFC.
For 5 mins, I felt extremely happy.
The next moment I'm not.imy
You don't seem to bother or care me.
You cannot do what I expect of you and you want me to forgive you every now and then.

We bought all this.

Green bottle is mine, pink is hers, the packet of biscuits damn tasty!

Vanila flavour. Yummy!

Red band.

Gold eye shadow.

If everyone is wearing a mask.

How would we ever know the person in the inside.

I was totally shocked when the Mr. Nice guy in my class said this word, "sacarsm".

I would love to use the vulgar words on you.

Your mask was really well made.

There are many kinds of people in this world and we should learn to accept each and everyone of us.

"What a good actor!"

"He can join drama club liao!"

"(singing drum roll) The best actor goes to *****!"

"Whatever la!"

" He fake fake fall down and it turns out to be real"

This is what I call bullshit.

No matter how much you hate someone, we as humans should have some compassion.

We are not heartless creatures right? We are mammals. Warm blooded not cold blooded.

You should have zip your mouth when it happened or help the person instead of throwing offensive remarks.

I will do the same to you if it ever happens to you.

Friday, August 17, 2007!
HandWritten on; 7:24 AM

My LONG hair is gone!


My hair is short now
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Here are some photos to be shared!

My sister and I was bored and we started fooling around!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket WHAT-DEVER! (what Steven Lim would say. BLA!)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Fierce hor!
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket 3 Chio bu. Hehehe.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Me and my beloved mummy :)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

HandWritten on; 7:10 AM

First thing. This is freaking me out. I know I shouldn't doubt anything but it was freaky okay.
I know.
I know it was me.
You want be to be that ideal "best" friend of yours.
Claiming that I don't understand you.
I've been busy worrying for you!
For what?
You want me to shut my gag when I've been witnessing all this?
What's a best friend if I am just a listener.
When you were msging Nadiah I was on the phone with her.
I was advicing her how to reply you.
When you were angry I told her not to talk to you.

You don't go to school.
You never know how's my life and you want me to know yours.

Sunday, August 12, 2007!
HandWritten on; 8:27 AM

Here are the rules:
1. Each blogger must post these rules first.
2. Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment by telling them that they’re tagged and to read your blog.

1. I always open my mouth when I sleep. In order to suck in more oxygen!

2. I love pretending to be a singer. Hold anything like remote control,hairspray,comb etc. as a microphone.

3. I can be emo at times.

4. I can talk a lot for moment and keep quiet for another while.

5. I'm always thinking of how fat I am but I still eat fried food as usual. :)

6. I love imitating people. ^^

7. I love the wind and sometimes rainy days

8. JLNMN Rox

People I've chosen:
Jie Lun
Kai Kee
Ming Lee

Monday, August 06, 2007!
HandWritten on; 8:17 AM


DBSK. Dong Bang Shin Ki is a korean band formed by 5 members.
They can act,dance,sing in form of accapella and RNB vibes.
I love them so much!
Introducing to you the leader of the band.
Name:U-know Yun ho.
Birthdate: February 6,1986 (1986-02-06) (age 21)
Birthplace: Gwangju (광주)
Position: Leader of band

He is good at dancing! I love to see him dance.

Next up is my favourite guy!

I know i know! He is gorgeous right? Are you staring at him now?
Name : HERO Young Woong Jae Joong (영웅재중 or 英雄在中)
Birthdate: January 26, 1986(1986-01-26) (age 21)
Birthplace: Chungnam (충남 or 忠南)
Position: Main Vocals
My cute boy boy is max! He is the youngest of all.
My 2nd favourite! :)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Name : MAX Choi Kang Chang Min (최강창민 or 最强昌珉)
Birthdate: February 18, 1988 (1988-02-18) (age 19)
Birthplace: Seoul (서울)
Position: Tenor
Religion: Buddhism
The best singer in the whole group and also rank 2nd for me! :)
Name : XIAH Xiah Jun Su (시아준수 or 細亞俊秀)
Birthdate: December 15, 1986 (1986-12-15) (age 20)
Birthplace: Gyeonggi (경기 or 京畿道)
Position: Baritenor
I love love love hearing him song. His voice is so nice it makes you feel you're floating in the air. (exaggerating but true!)
My sister's favourite guy...
Name : MICKY Micky Yoo Chun (믹키유천 or 秘奇有天/秘奇有仟)
Birthdate: June 4, 1986(1986-06-04) (age 21)
Birthplace: Seoul(서울)Position: Bass-baritone
He is cute. :) Want to pinch his face!
LALA~ So how was it?
I know they are handsome. HAHA.
MING LEE wanted me to talk about her. So!
Ming lee would like to recommend everyone to read the last chapter of harry potter's book.
PLEASE read it for the sake of little ming lee :)
Anyway, ming lee is very cute and pretty. (hehe)
The end.

Sunday, August 05, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:42 AM


Jie Lun and me have nothing to do.
We started taking photos of them. Gayathri was not bothered by us and continued to do her work.
SO! We started taking photos of Eunice.
Who ask her to be so scared of the camera. Mwahaha!

Pictures up for yester. gathering.
ANYWAY, I hate steven lim. :)

Saturday, August 04, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:07 AM

My eye is hurting me more and more.
The eye drop didn't help.
I want to rest.
Do nothing.
Stay at home.
For a day.
Give me a break.

I woke up late today.
Went to yew tee straight and meet buddies to do project.
Felt really tired.

Haven't study. Haven't do homework. Haven't call xg.

I just feel like lying there. Forever.

Friday, August 03, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:37 AM

Everday was like a tiring day for me. I barely make it to survive today.
After school there's still piano lesson.
I was wandering around lot 1 after the lesson when I saw a girl sitting in the trolley with a red balloon in her hand. Her mum, being unreasonable to me, shouted her in public.

Followed by a smack on her hand. Snatched the balloon and letting it go. The balloon filled with helium gas flew to the ceiling. What the ..

I went to the doctor today to check my eye.
Luckily it's not a very big problem.
And fortunately I have my potion that can heal my eyes soon.

Anyway, I watched ghost whisperer today.
It's the damn greatest show. I LOVED IT.
Those of you who missed it, what a pity.
OH. It made me cry. My dad watched it with me today.
I'm glad he did.

NEXT thing I'm going to talk about is what I have been constantly thinking these past days.

I am very worried for the korean hostages.
2 men have been killed for what? Innocently.
They are in no involvement in this conflict.
The women were not being killed because they have strong religious beliefs that they are not to kill women.

Pitiful men. Killed partially for the fact that they are men.
They died tragically with no valid reason.
They are voluntery workers who are supposed to be there for good and was killed for the wrong reasons. 2 other women are now gravely ill. If they are not being released, they may die.

STOP all this wrong doings! You can never expect the government to release those prisoners. By the way they are thrown in jail because they did illegal things and have only themselves to be blamed. WTF. I am damn angry with such people.

I hate you people.
Now, let us all pray that hopefully the rest are able to return home safe and sound.
Korean protestors participate in candlelight rally.