Name is Michelle
18 on '08
Studying in S'pore Polytechnic
Wishing my life would be like an interesting movie
Comedies always make me happy
Love my friends who stood by me
Family that always got my back
Music makes my world colourful
Dating with MND, We the kings
Saturday, July 28, 2007!
HandWritten on; 8:42 AM
A day had passed. I didn't know how I managed to pass it.
It was a tiring day for me. I went to the gym and did some running and stretching.
Went on to the pool for a swim.
Was busy teaching my mummy how to swim.
We went for dinner at Aunt Sheila's house together with her korean friend.
They prepared a some sort japan-korean food for us.
Most of the dishes were raw. Except for the eel,mushrooms,rice and some I couldn't remember.
The rest were cucumber,avocado,raddish,carrot etc.

What you have to do is add the ingredients in the seaweed and wrap it up like a sushi.

Well! I enjoyed the food. Tasty. :)
Friday, July 27, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:05 AM
I am blogging for this date, 25/7/07.
It was a sad day for our class. We are losing our beloved form teacher. Not in the sense of losing her but more of she's leaving us physically. Ms Foong is leaving to Japan to further her studies.
I am amazed by her willpower and determination to strive and upgrade herself. Well, this may be a good thing after all.
Anyway she IS leaving for a good cause.
I am going to miss her. Today, I didn't see her in class. Sighs.
She is flying off tonight. I wonder if she had taken off..
That day, Wednesday, was the last day of her service. Quickly, our class had prepared a sketch book with our pictures and wishes inside for her. I hadn't write in the book. So is most of my classmates. So we were all writing in the hall.

Ya. I was sitting there. Boring. Waiting. And then..
Eunice! What a smile.

Gayathri! The one dream's pose

MAYBELLINA! She's the winner.

Introducing to you the people from Mental hospital! HAHA. I was joking! Aren't they funny! Especially Maybellina's. Total deform of face. Lol! Joking! But it was really funny. They are cute!
After which we meet Ms Foong outside the general office for the last goodbye. Handry(our chairman) passed the sketch book to Ms Foong in a sort of formal way on behalf of our class.
Ms Foong asked Handry if there's any last words he would like to say and he was like, "er.. erm.. Ms foong.. I.."
He looked so sad and kept rubbing his hands at the side. I can almost see tears welled up in his eyes. It made me wanted to cry but I tried not to.

Ms Foong recieved the book in her hands and said her piece. We started taking photos for her.
Suddenly 2 of my classmates cried. I almost cried after seeing them shed tears.
Oh my gosh. I turned to wipe our my tears before anyone finds out.
Ms foong! I miss you.
Take good care of your health while you're in another country.
Best wishes and we hope to see you again!
We will look forward to our next reunion.
Bye Ms Foong..
Monday, July 23, 2007!
HandWritten on; 6:47 AM

My sister and I went downstairs to exercise.
There are a lot of people downstairs so it's very pah sei to run.
Yeah, but we still did some exercises like jumps,shuttle run and bla bla bla
Today I am so tired. I have piano after school at 7pm. Reach home around 9pm.
I haven't done any homework and don't even have the mood to do so.
And my sister keep using my laptop like its hers lor.
OK then let her use lor. Lor lor lor.
I just watched finish the show "switched".
Happy ending! YAY! So happy :)
Alright, I'm going off already.
Saturday, July 21, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:38 AM
SO DEADToday is the meet the parents session.
I was so dead of course. My dad went there as well.
wtf. SO, my whole family got face to face with my form teacher.
What luck
They were talking about me of course. Which completely sux.
Anyway, after the session I went to town and a few places with my family.
I bought!!! Dang Dang Dang!

This very cute lip balm which is peach flavour costing only 3 for $10.
So my sister,mum and me all got one each.
The cute thing about this is, if you read the lid of the balm it reads that to open it press center of lid. HOW CUTE! And to close it, squeeze the sides of the lid. :)
I like to play with it. HAHA.
NUMBER 2Another thing I bought was a mascara!

I made a deal out of it!
Actually it cost$26.90 but I got it for half price.
It's the GSS! Anyway, the GSS is ending tomorrow!!
Sians. -.-
With the increase in gst, I think I won't be able to shop a lot anymore.
Next item would be the vaseline!

It's good for dry lips.
Just apply on lips and rub it gently.
Than wipe off the vaseline with tissue.
Good tip huh!
Do it only once in a week alright.
Not often or you will hurt your lips :)
Come on, thank me!
Ok. That's about it.
The rest are just neccessities which you wouldn't want to know.
2am! I'm going off to sleep!
Nights to all my good friends,classmates,JLNMN, and Baby mi gua! :)
LY. Sweet dreams.
Friday, July 20, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:15 AM
PIANO lesson today.
OK-OK. It was OK. Not that bad. I was kinda shy in front of the teacher I think
Why huh. I'm not so sure too.
After piano lesson I met up with sister and walked around in Lot1.
My parents came at 7 plus to pick us up.
We were sitting outside the building waiting when we heard noises.
Horns and everything. There was this huge commotion and practically everyone came out to see what was going on.
As you can see, there was this big lorry blocking the road and stopping the cars from going.
Someone went to try to drive away this lorry and fortunately, the lorry was able to squeeze through the narrow path.
YEAH! Today I get to watch one of my favourite shows, "Ghost Whisperer".
Damn nice ok!
In the night around, 11pm.
My sister and I went to mask.
Did I scare you! HAHA.
Looks kinda weird huh. OH NO! Pimple is growing out from my nose.
Anyway,it's 1.34 am and I can't get to sleep.
Tomorrow is the meeting between my mum and my form teacher named Michelle.
I am not kidding! Her name IS Michelle. :)
How coincidential.
I am going to dig a grave for myself.
The two women are going to talk about me tomorrow.
WHY must I be present! Maybe I should bring cotton to shut my ears.
Or should I heed the advertisment's advice? ( Only hear the good stuff )
Thursday, July 19, 2007!
HandWritten on; 5:41 AM
My eyes are still hurting. It feels like I can go blind anytime.There's 3 sore in my eye. NOT on my eye but in my eye. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow. God bless.I am so angry with these people.
How can you treat my friends like that huh.
Anyway, it's all alright and I'm glad both my friends are alright.
Nani was like pang sei by her so called " friends ".
Gayatri was being humilated by those people.
If only Nani was in my class! I can take care of her le. Ke lian jie jie.
Luckily during recess I saw her with some other classmates.
Guess she found her friends le.
Luckily I comforted Gayatri. Now she feels much better.
All this is in the past le. So never let it get back at you.
Today I went for lunch time training. So tiring!
Run run run run... jumping jacks...push up.. running steps..
Have to start bucking up in studies!
During poa lecture I sat right at the back of the room.
SO! With nothing better to do..
I took a picture of Eunice when she's not aware.
What a pose!

And the people in the front row..
Well, I guessed you know what?
This shows how boring was the lesson.

Was so tired because today was a long day.
Had P.E and lunch time training.
School end at 5 somemore.
So I missed Tyra show. :(
AHH! 9 pm le!
Im going off to watch my favourite show le!
Show: Switched!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:00 AM
HEHE. It has just been 5 mins when I remembered something I wanted to post up here today.
I'm such a chatterbox.
Do you watch the Tyra Banks Show? It's 6pm in the evening on the weekdays on channel 5.
I LOVE watching that show. :) Strongly recommended by ME!
OK. So here's the goodies. I watched the show today and it was cool!
They have this " SO WHAT!" campaign. It was meaningful and a courageous act for me. Proud of these girls. You go girls!
So what's all about this?
There was this group of girls who had imperfections and they decided that HEY! This is no big deal! Still don't get what I mean?
It's like,
I'm fat. SO WHAT!
I have scars on me. SO WHAT!
I have flabby arms. SO WHAT!
Get it? It's like being who you are. Not bothering about the imperfections you have.So everybody was to wear this red bathing suit that Tyra wore on the magazine.
YUP! This is the magazine!
They revealed their weight proudly and this was to encourage women as well as reminding them to love their bodies.
There was this lady who was young, skinny and healthy but she kept this skinny jeans in her cupboard. ( Jeans she wore when she was younger)
Every time she saw the jeans she felt as thou there was a tap on her back saying that, " You're fat! You can't wear this jeans!"
She would become self-conscious and started losing weight with unhealthy methods.
In the Tyra show, she regained her confidence and she burned the jeans! Bye to the past, Hello future!
Another girl just bomb her weighing machine.
What an inspiring show! I presume we all have learned something from this lesson!
SO WHAT to imperfections. Beauty comes from within. :)
HandWritten on; 8:54 AM
Finally! We have sever ties with Pasta Mania. Nothing do with it from now on.
Jie Lun and me went to queensway to return the uniform.
She was scanning through the shoes in queensway shopping centre.
SORRY! Due to my tiredness, we decided to rest most of the time. She helped me to carry my bag too and I felt bad and took it bad from her.
She ate laksa as per usual. It was her favourite.
After which we bought bubble tea. Chew,chew,chew. I love the pearls although it's cancerous.
Ok. Regarding today's activities. We were off earlier. YES! 12.45pm. It was supposed to be a long day today but HA! (I'm lazy to explain why)
Poor Gayathri have to stay back till noon because of some stupid chemistry lesson.
We've learnt critical thinking yesterday. We must think
So rephrasing my sentence,
er hmm.
Correction: Lucky Gayathri have to stay back till because of some enriching chemistry lesson!
HAHA. Much better right.
I've been thinking much today after school. Someone just ruined my day today by saying something and made me think so long just to figure out what it means.
Than I felt down for a quite a while due to that but regained my smile not long. Because I don't give it a damn.
YES. I mean it. I've been bothered by it since like ages ago. Get off my back, blues!
Jumping to another topic. I
LOVE making people smile or laugh!
This picture, (yes,yes I know. Simply hilarious right!) was taken when I made them laugh and I took it immediately! Haha!
I'm not going to tell you what I did to make them laugh. :p
Back to the topic.
Not seeing them smile but making them smile. Maybe it makes my day or it makes me feel that, " HEY! MICHELLE! You're not useless after all! You brought smiles to people!"
THANK YOU CY for the damn long lecture during the time after orientation. I know it was long time ago but his advices and talk actually influenced me.
I made people smile today again!
I'm contented! :)
Saturday, July 14, 2007!
HandWritten on; 10:07 AM
I've edited photos for Nani. She like them a lot. :)
I glad a put a smile on your face. Hehez.
Sorry I didn't wished you here earlier on because I didn't feel like blogging.
After school on Friday I didn't went for piano lesson.
My eye hurt a lot. I was so tired after a week of torturing.
My friends can go straight home but not me. What envy!
So I decided not to go.
Parents scolded me for not going.
Because of the money.
It was expensive.
Sigh. Which is more important? Me or money.
Anyway, my eye hurt a lot till now. It's been a week. My eye turns off and on red.
OK. I really don't know what to post about.
I want to be with you.Don't cry ok.LY. :)
Monday, July 09, 2007!
HandWritten on; 8:35 AM
All of my answers were accurate. We'll see tomorrow if the wish comes true. I'll let you know. Take 3 minutes and try this...it will freak you out!
The person who sent it to me said her wish came true 10 minutes after they read the mail.
This game has a funny/spooky outcome.
Don't read ahead...just do it in order!
It takes about three minutes...it's worth a try.
First..get a pen and paper.
When you actually choose names, make sure it's people you actually know and go with your first instinct.
Scroll down one line at a time...and don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!
1. First, write the numbers 1 through 11 in a column.
2. Then, beside numbers 1 and 2, write down any two numbers you want.
3. Beside the 3 and 7, write down the names of members of the opposite sex.
4. Write anyone's name (like friends or family....) in the 4th, 5th,and 6th spots.
5. Write down four song titles in 8,9,10, and 11.
6. Finally, make a wish.And now the key for the game....
1. You must tell (the number in space 2) people about this game.
2. The person in space 3 is the one that you love.
3. The person in 7 is one you like but can't work out.
4. You care most about the person you put in 4
5. The person you name in number 5 is the one who knows you very well.
6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.
7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3
.8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.
9. The tenth space is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
10. and 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life.
Nani told me to play this game and turns out quite accurate!
Give it a shot! :)
I am going to tell 5 people to do this survey! TATA!
Sunday, July 08, 2007!
HandWritten on; 8:35 AM
Stupid man! First day of school tomorrow. :(
Okok. I really need to cheer up. I hate feeling sad,emo,angry and everything.
WOO! School tomorrow! Don't know what awaits me! Teachers! Classmates! Hais. Sian -.-
I don't know why, I just feel so guilt-ridden. I am sorry.
Anyway, drum rolls!!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to Cindy!
Happy Birthday to you!
Continuing on with my post..
SIGHS sigh sigh.
When can I feel happy again. Like the past.
Everything seems wrong. 2007 is just a bad year for me. And the school that I went in.
Running away from it now will not help anyway. I just have to stay there and make things work out. Singapore is the top few countries that are rich in wealth and we have the facilities and technology that most countries are lack of. BUT why are the people not happy. Maybe we are more demanding as we are taking this for granted. Sometimes, I will read the news. There are people dying in any minute now. People are losing their friends, family, disasters happenning around the world. Suddenly, I feel that what I'm feeling now is so small. My problem is NOT a problem. Is just something that I have to get over it. People need motivation. So friends, give your friends a tap at their back whenever you have the time. It helps. Too bad, I don't have many friends. So I motivate myself. Sounds pathethic huh. Haha.
All the best michelle. All the best...
I am going to hear some rock music to destress. :)
Saturday, July 07, 2007!
HandWritten on; 9:16 AM
My baby sister told me to this survey. Ok, here goes. :)1. Single, taken or crushing?Ans:Taken
2. Are you happy with your life now?Ans: Not at all
3. When you meet the right person, do you fall with him fast?Ans: How you know is the right perosn. Maybe he's the left person?
4. Have you ever had your heart broken?Ans:Lots
5. Do you believe there are some circumstances where cheating love acceptable?Ans: NO WAY.
6. Would you take someone back if he cheats on you?Ans: He must do something to earn back my trust
7. Have you ever talk about marriage with another before?Ans: Yup
8. Do you want children?Ans: There are advantages and they are cute.. But for the moment,NO.
9. How many? a boy and a girl?Ans: ERM. I said no right.
10. Would you consider adoption?Ans: If it's not pain..? I don't know.
11. If someone likes you right now, what do you think is the best way to let you know his feelings?Ans:
Not in an
awkward situation will do.
12. Do you enjoy getting into relationship?Ans: There is happiness and sadness bah..
13. Be honest, what is the furthest you and your ex did?Ans: SSHH!
14. Do you believe in love at first sight?Ans: Nah.
15. Are you romantic?Ans: Huh. Don't think so.
16. Do you believe you can change someone?Ans: YES. But I does not succeed all the time =X
17. If you could married somewhere, where would it be?Ans: Somewhere nice ba. Of course not like beside the volcano right?
18. Do you easily give in when you are fighting?Ans: No. After the fighting than I give in bahs.
19. Do you have feelings for someone right now?Ans: I have feelings for everyone! My mum...dad...sister..friends.. etc
20. Have you ever broken a heart?Ans: Maybe?
21. if one day your best friend fall in love with the boy you deeply in love with, what would you do?Ans: He'll choose the one he love.
22. Are you missing someone now?Ans: No.
pick 13 of your friends to do this survey in their blogs. Write down their names in the list below.
Hey, 13 is an unlucky number lehs.
How about.. 10? My favourite number. :)
4.Rui Xiang
5.Ming Lee
7.Ying Hui
10.Kai Kee
HandWritten on; 8:47 AM
I don't know why. Problems just can't seem to stop. I hate this stupid life of mine ok!
I spent my day today at home. Staring at the ceiling. Lying on the sofa. Playing the piano. Ears stuffed with my mom's nagging. Quarrelled with sister. Went out for dinner. Quarrelled again. In bed thinking. Trying to sleep. Can't sleep so woke up and sat outside alone watching "Live Earth". Went in room and started playing the internet.
What a boring day.
For so long, I didn't have the chance to go out with my fellow friends like Tze wen and Lynn.
Yesterday,I decided that we should go out today.
Through the phone we sms and decided where to go and the time. Ming Lee wanted to go out too so I thought we can all go along. Than I asked Lun to come along too.
In the end, everything was cancelled. I stayed at home. Like a stupid fool!
I am so tired. Tired of crying. Tired of feeling sad. Tired to think.
I just stare and stare and stare..
I know I'm being an idiot emo now.
I hate it too.
Maybe one day, when I find what makes me truely happy, than will I go for it. Than that's what I'll pursue in life.
Friday, July 06, 2007!
HandWritten on; 11:27 AM
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP) |
 Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.
Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
HandWritten on; 11:09 AM
You Are A Blue Girl |
Relationships and feelings are the most important things to you.You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart. |
HandWritten on; 9:57 AM
YUP. Today is my piano lesson. I was quite nervous because I have stopped learning piano 2 years ago. So I forgot almost everything about it.
Jie Lun calmed my nerves a little so I'm more relaxed.
My teacher was a female. Quite young around the age of 20 to 30.
She asked me if I know this and that and my reply was all, " no."
My mind was so blank and I was thinking like, " What the heck? Did I even learn this before?"
She opened my book I used last time and yes, I did learned it before.
But, I don't remember a thing.
After the piano lesson I was glad to see my baby sister waiting for me.
We had so much fun just shopping around Lot1. Probably because we got a lot in common. :)
We went around looking girls stuff. From facial products,to hair accessories and clothes. We bought this thing for curling your hair? Well, it's for fun. And this black thing. It's like a hair accessory.
We even bought bubble tea. My sister and me was in the line when a woman just cut our queeu like that. Just because we were not looking and there was this small space so she can fit in. Too bad I caught her and stared her in dismay. I told my sister and my sister turned to give her a dirty look. Proceeded on to throw sacarstic remarks at her.
Sister:Wa lao, Go and die la
Me: Don't say so loud.
Sister: So thick-skinned hor.
Me: kept quiet
Sister continued blabbering.
Few minutes later...
Sister:I think we get our drinks earlier than hers.
Me: But we ordered two she ordered one. How can we be faster.
Auntie giving us our drinks first.
Sister: See!
She turned to look at the woman and said out loud, "Yay!"
And we walked away..
Well, it serves her right I guess. It's like karma.
At night I watched switched! my favourite. So nice la to me. Than the jiang xin hui was quite guilty for treating her sister in a such a rude manner and she helped jiang xin yu to find the white dress embroided with sunflowers.
I also watched my favourite show, "Ghost whisperer".
WOOSH. Damn nice la.
There's this little girl who died but she didn't know that she died. She stayed on in their house but everyone (mum,dad,brother) had moved out. She believed her family is still staying there. Another family moved in the house and experienced weird things like lights on and off and water being turned on violently. They thought that it was the pipes and electricity problem. Didn't they know that it was all the girl's doing. Than melinda who can see ghost saw the young girl and wanted to help her get into the 'light'. Which means going to heaven where she can rest in peace and not linger on Earth. Melinda brought the little girl's family together and they fufilled the little girl's wish. Which was her father to finish reading a bedtime story. It was hard bringing the family together as they do not believe in spiritual things and thought Melinda was lying. In the end the little girl wanted Melinda to tell her family that she loved them. She walked into the light and disappeared into the thin air. Her family felt that she was finally resting in peace and everyone was teary but happy for her. I was also moved and was crying too. I love this show. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for sentimental people :)
Thursday, July 05, 2007!
HandWritten on; 11:40 AM
I bought a nike shirt at centrepoint today.

I LOVE the texture of it. It feels so comfortable to wear on.
Tomorrow it's my first piano lesson. Hai. Damn.
I am not happy at all.
Anyway, thanks LG for helping me figure out what's wrong with my phone.
Finally I can add in more songs. :)
I am not trying to act emo but I am not happy at all. Most of the time.
ONLY when I'm with my baby sister or "you". Can't think of anyone else at this moment.
By the way, there's this show, " the exorcist: the beginning" yesterday night. And Gaya3
sms me asking me to watch. I watched the front part but I stopped watching after 20mins or so.
Coward? I admit. I don't want to scare myself for goodness sake.
ANYWAY, today I missed the show, "switched" !
Wa lao. I wanna see what's gonna happen to the kind-hearted jiang xin yu.
ok-ok. I know I'm switching topics here and there.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007!
HandWritten on; 11:34 AM
It's early morning, 2.34am, and I can't get to sleep.
I just don't want to sleep I guess.
5 days no school. After 5 days I can imagine how my life would be like.
This coming friday I'm having piano lessons.
OH GREAT! Learn piano again. It's not like I don't like to play piano.
Problem lies with the theory and I don't like to learn it in such a systematic way.
Oh ya! I bought some kind of handphone strap for JLNMN. :)
Beige- Me
I also bought a hair pin and a badge from my sister's stall.
ARGH!!! I am so moody. I really hate this feeling. It just sticks to me.
It's like you feel like crying every now and than but you are numb to the feeling that you don't
have the energy to cry. I'm sure nani know how I felt.
Sometimes I hate my life. Sometimes I love my life. But mostly I hate my life.
It's like 85 to 15.
HandWritten on; 8:52 AM
Where has Michelle gone to.
The bubbly cheerful girl.
Since I step into MI. I've been feeling sick.
Sick of the place.
The people.
To add on to my misery, the events that are happening in my life.
It's draining my energy bit by bit.
I've tried. Hard. Was of no use.
I started to hate. Hate, hate and hate.
Can you please disappear from my life!Another thing that is bothering me.
I never thought that if parents love their children they will use all means to break up their child with someone they love.
And I would like to emphasize the word "
ALL" means.
Getting you thrown out of the house.
Betraying you by giving false statement that may lead you to jail.
Control you like a puppet. Sms,Call,Talk everytime they are available and even bringing and fetching you from school.
I am so freaking bothered by this. It's not my problem and not that I'm being meddlesome.
I hate to see them like that. It breaks my heart.
Just because parents are making the money now it doesn't mean you can do this ok!?
Such problems are never-ending. It only results in breaking down,quarrels and maybe even to
the extent of severing ties with one another!
Worst still. The reason of breaking up a couple is because of
What-ever it is!It's tiring me out to be watching the whole senario although I'm not involved in it.
Not even knowing what to do,what to say. Like a stupid pig I can only be a good listener and listen.
I guess what we all need is,
Time and Space.
Sunday, July 01, 2007!
HandWritten on; 11:01 AM
I don't know.
What to feel.
What to react.
What to do.
Who's at fault.
How does it happened.
What the fuck.
I feel like a lost child. Confused and frustrated.
I know it's stupid to feel that way.
"Let bygones be bygones", she said.
Not so easy for me.
'That's when I love you" by Aslyn.
I don't want to be a door mat.
3 and a half years. Never been that down.